360-degree tools for changing behaviours

Discover what drives people, motivate them to do things differently and gather invaluable data for informing and improving practice

Businesses, universities and local authorities in the UK, Europe and Latin America use BetterPoints to motivate staff, students and citizens to change to more active, sustainable and socially responsible habits.

Active travel incentives for cities

BetterPoints enabled Bologna to motivate 22,000 people to change their transport behaviour, by using positive incentives.
We can do the same for your city.

Better data

Learn how people behave and why

Our unique baselining tool builds your organisation a clear picture of people’s current behaviour, attitudes and capacity for change.

Targeted survey

Our team of experts in behaviour change work with you to identify the optimum target audience and build a survey that asks the pertinent baseline questions for your objectives.

Rewards and incentives

Use our award-winning technology and smartphone app to deliver carefully tailored promotions, messages, rewards and incentives to reach and engage as many of your target audience as possible.

Behaviour Change programmes

Change bad habits, at scale, anywhere

This is where the magic happens. We work with you to build a scalable programme of gamification, incentives and rewards, all bound together with sophisticated messaging plans, that truly motivates people for sustained engagement towards your goals.

Tailored solutions

Create an attractive programme in which your users are keen to track their activity with their smartphone, earn rewards for doing so and engage in fun activities and friendly competition.

We will build you a tailored solution for incentivising behaviour change that integrates seamlessly with your existing programmes and structures and generates useful datasets for measuring and reporting impact.

Central to every BetterChange programme is our sophisticated, yet simple-to-use, smartphone app, which serves as the interface between you and your users. This is where they track their activities – manually or automatically, collect their rewards, redeem their points and receive your news and messages.

Multi-faceted interventions

BetterPoints programmes are multi-faceted complex interventions that combine digital engagement with gamification, rewards and intelligent messaging.

Intervention components are designed to interact with other campaigns and delivered in the context of what is happening in your organisation or community.

With BetterPoints you will accelerate engagement in campaigns and motivate ongoing participation, across communities and social groups. Our unique, scalable combination of gamification, activity tracking, rewards and messaging initiates engagement, builds interest and foments traction.

How it works

Each intervention is delivered as a core challenge that typically lasts for 3, 6, 12 or 36 months and uses a mix of goals and rewards to deliver your objectives.

Within the core challenge there can be any number of mini challenges, games and Boosted Events (such as double points for Car-Free Day) to maintain engagement.

All components are designed to interact with other campaigns in the context of your own environment. 

All challenges – core and mini – work by cycling repeatedly through four key steps:


  • Medals
  • Leaderboards
  • Prize draws
  • Treasure hunts
  • Teams


  • Device accelerometer
  • User interaction
  • GPS
  • QR codes
  • Route maps


  • BetterPoints to spend or give to charity
  • BetterTickets prize-draw entries
  • Vouchers
  • Medals


  • Push notifications
  • In-app updates
  • Quizzes and surveys
  • Scheduled and triggered

Better insights

Learn how to do things better

Add an advanced layer of data reporting to your behaviour change programmes with real-time maps and visualisations for sophisticated analysis of behaviour, infrastructure, planning, health provision and logistics.