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BetterPoints rewards are incentivising healthy activity in Hounslow

BetterPoints rewards are incentivising healthy activity in Hounslow

We are delighted to announce that the One You Hounslow rewards programme in partnership with the London Borough of Hounslow starts this week!

We’re delivering a public health programme that rewards people for getting active, eating healthily and stopping smoking. The Borough has a strong vision to help more residents into better health, and is deploying the BetterPoints behaviour change platform to help a wide range of people lead healthier, more active lives.

The tailor-made One You Hounslow programme will go beyond encouraging physical activity, to promote other activities such as smoking cessation, healthy cookery classes and NHS health checks. The programme is designed to engage particularly with people that are currently the least likely to take up services, and potentially most at risk from acute health risks such as COVID-19 and Type 2 Diabetes. 

One You Hounslow participants are rewarded for undertaking a range of activities, and encouraged to keep going through gamification, challenges and in-app messages. Physical activity is recorded automatically by the BetterPoints app on their mobile devices, using a combination of GPS, smartphone technology and bespoke algorithms. Participants can also scan QR codes to check in at specific activities, such as ‘Cook and Eat’ classes and smoking cessation sessions. 

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