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Category: Case studies

830,000 car journeys cut in Sheffield, with nearly 200% ROI in carbon savings

830,000 car journeys cut in Sheffield, with nearly 200% ROI in carbon savings

Sheffield City Council used Capability Funding from Active Travel England to commission theBetterPoints Sheffield behaviour change rewards programme. Within six months, it had reduced unnecessary car...

Buckinghamshire behaviour change programme paid for itself four times over

Buckinghamshire behaviour change programme paid for itself four times over

Like many local authorities, Buckinghamshire Council was trying to reduce local health inequalities and encourage people to take responsibility for their health and wellbeing. So the council put out...

Heathrow Airport sustainable commuting programme and app

Heathrow Airport sustainable commuting programme and app

Heathrow Airport wanted to encourage and reward colleagues for relying less on single-occupancy car journeys for commuting, to help cut emissions from surface transport. BetterPoints built a whitelabelled...

Short car journeys cut by a fifth

Short car journeys cut by a fifth

BetterPoints programmes can now identify, segment and target regular drivers of short car journeys. Trials in nine local areas were able to reduce short car journeys by an average of 20 per cent. The...

Motivating healthy activity in Ebbsfleet Garden City 

Motivating healthy activity in Ebbsfleet Garden City 

Get Active in Ebbsfleet increases physical activity levels for better health and wellbeing, and to combat obesity and type 2 diabetes.  In Year 5 (2022–2023), more than half a million healthy...

Leicestershire councils change travel behaviour with BetterPoints

Leicestershire councils change travel behaviour with BetterPoints

Leicester City and Leicestershire County councils’ Choose How You Move programme encourages active and sustainable traverel and reduces unnecessary car journeys. In year five (2022–2023), it saved...

Incentivising sustainable travel at Cardiff University

Incentivising sustainable travel at Cardiff University

Cardiff University’s Changing Steps Cardiff programme encourages staff and students away from a reliance on private cars to more active and sustainable modes of travel.  278,000+ sustainable...

Behaviour change for a circular economy in Brighton & Hove

Behaviour change for a circular economy in Brighton & Hove

A four-month Make Materials Matter pilot rewarded Brighton & Hove residents for activities supporting sustainability, such as recycling, repairing, loaning and up-skilling. Brighton & Hove City...

Cutting car journeys in Brighton & Hove

Cutting car journeys in Brighton & Hove

Brighton & Hove City Council’s Move for Change campaign launched in 2021 to move local residents and workers away from a reliance on private motor vehicles.  Year two (2022–23) 1 million+...

Renfrewshire Council shifted 200k car journeys to sustainable transport 

Renfrewshire Council shifted 200k car journeys to sustainable transport 

Renfrewshire Council’s Not Far? Leave the Car campaign rewards local people for journeys that are active or otherwise sustainable.  Between March 2022 and April 2023, more than 300,000 sustainable...

Milton Keynes: 62% of incentivised journeys replaced car travel

Milton Keynes: 62% of incentivised journeys replaced car travel

Milton Keynes City Council’s Get Around Rewards pilot attracted high levels of engagement and achieved measurable modal shift.  Residents and workers in Milton Keynes were given incentives and...

Rewarding sustainable travel across Thames Valley

Rewarding sustainable travel across Thames Valley

BetterPoints was asked to provide the Innovation Valley Rewards app to encourage Thames Valley residents away from single-occupancy car journeys and toward more active and sustainable travel. BetterPoints...