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Category: Health & fitness

Local authorities see upwards of 200% ROI on public health and sustainable transport programmes

We have put together a couple of case studies that demonstrate how BetterPoints behaviour change programmes are more than paying for themselves, delivering high value and real change for local authorities in both public health and active/sustainable travel. Some highlights are picked out below, and you can download the full case studies for free here.…
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Trying to encourage healthier activity? Walking is a good place to start

Local councils and health authorities want to encourage people to get more exercise or travel more actively, and walking (for those that can and wheeling for those that cannot) is a great place to begin: its cheap, easy to get started and available to most people. National Walking Month, which kicks off today, is the…
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‘I never used to walk … I’ve lost 4kg with my new active lifestyle’

‘I never used to walk before I joined the BetterPoints Hounslow challenge’, says Ishrat. ‘It’s such a helpful app, it has encouraged me in all aspects, walking, running, and cycling too. ‘Each day is like a new day and a new challenge for me, and the app encourages me to do more every day.  ‘I’ve lost over 4…
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BetterPoints makes social prescriptions for active travel easier to swallow

Active Travel England recently allocated funding for eleven local authorities to trial social prescriptions for walking, wheeling and cycling. Active travel is much harder to prescribe than traditional medication. Aside from the potential barrier of opportunity (for example, people won’t walk, wheel or cycle if there are no safe routes for it), a much higher…
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‘My psychiatrist mentioned BetterPoints … it’s given me a reason to go out each day’

John’s psychiatrist recommended a local BetterPoints programme to help improve his mental and physical health. ‘Recently, I had a very scary turn mentally. I have been prescribed new medications as well as therapy, my mental health was severely struggling.  ‘My psychiatrist mentioned BetterPoints and since then, along with my dog, it’s given me a reason…
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‘I walk everywhere now’

Gary suffers from severe depression and was getting no exercise before he joined a BetterPoints programme.   ‘I walk everywhere now: to the school, to the shops and my parents’ houses.  ‘I suffer with severe depression and anxiety. Walking is now a part of my life, it helps take my mind to a better place. It has…
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How BetterPoints can spot population health risks before they become a problem

Population health management is about predicting future health needs and intervening before someone becomes a ‘patient’. Data is useful but it is important to remember that each data point is a person, and that we need to talk to people to understand the reality of their situation. That was a key theme at the recent…
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Mental health practitioner Helena would recommend BetterPoints to clients

Helena is a mental health practitioner in Buckinghamshire. She heard about a local BetterPoints programme and wanted to know if it could help her clients, so she tried it out for herself. ‘A colleague told me about the app’, says Helena. ‘I decided to try it out myself first and now feel confident to recommend…
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How BetterPoints helped Sam give up smoking

Hounslow Council asked BetterPoints for a programme to help people take personal responsibility for their health, particularly among those at risk of developing avoidable long-term conditions. The One You Hounslow programme targets people at risk of developing conditions that arise from factors such as lifestyle and occupation – Diabetes, Asthma, COPD, for example – and…
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“The app has helped to me lose half a stone by cycling and walking”

Callum was physically active once a week, before he joined Hounslow Council’s A to B Actively challenge. He has now increased that to five days a week and enjoys a more active lifestyle. “I would always spend my evenings at home in front of the TV”, he says. “Now, I go out for a walk…
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‘It’s nice to feel like someone cares’

Alice struggled with her weight and had a lot of mobility limitations, and pain in her back, feet and knees. Walking half a mile was hard and took three days to recover. In late 2019 she had a gastric bypass operation to help her lose weight, and she took up more active forms of travel.…
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Research in lockdown suggests big potential savings for health interventions

During the second UK lockdown in 2020, we trialled a new method for encouraging people to take up online exercise classes. The result was huge cost savings compared to similar projects. We developed the research with IMIN, a physical activity connectivity platform, with their funding from Innovate UK. IMIN’s technology connects people with exercise classes. Together, we…
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