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Tag: net zero

BetterPoints shortlisted for an Edie Net Zero Award!

The Edie Net Zero Awards celebrates the individuals and organisations spearheading the UK’s transition towards a net-zero carbon economy. BetterPoints is delighted to be a finalist for Behaviour Change Programme of the Year with Sheffield City Council! BetterPoints Sheffield reduces single-occupancy car journeys by promoting, incentivising and rewarding active and sustainable travel. The campaign has…
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New Active Travel Programme for Renfrewshire

BetterPoints is powering a new active travel programme for Renfrewshire Council. We have worked with East Renfrewshire Council before and so are delighted to add Renfrewshire Council to our list of clients, and bolster our ongoing partnership with Ansons Consulting as part of the delivery. The council wants Renfrewshire to be net-zero by 2030. While…
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Join us at Act TravelWise Annual Conference, 15–17 February

BetterPoints is delighted to co-sponsor the online Act TravelWise Annual Conference next week (15–17 February): ‘”Sustainable Transport 2022: Recovery and Progress” – Recovering from the pandemic and progressing actions from COP26 as we head into 2022’. Our CEO, Richard Kirk will chair the session on commuting in a hybrid working world and Hannah Byk, our Partnerships Manager, will talk…
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We’ve been making green and healthy behaviour irresistible in 2021!

It’s nearing the end of what has been an exciting year for BetterPoints, so we thought it would be nice to look back at some of our work in making positive behaviour change an attractive proposition over the last twelve months. Rewards on Govia Thameslink Railway BetterPoints is proudly providing the rewards engine for Rail+ Club, a…
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Rewards for sustainable and active travel at Cardiff University

Cardiff University recently launched a bespoke behaviour change programme for its  30,400 students and 6,600 employees. Changing Steps Cardiff is driven by BetterPoints and encourages active and sustainable travel to, from and between Cardiff University sites, as part of the university’s commitment to  reduce its carbon footprint and reach Net Zero Carbon by 2035. The…
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Electric cars are not a panacea for net zero – we need a change of attitudes and behaviours, not simply a change of furniture

The UK Government is putting too much focus on electric vehicles (EVs) and not enough on alternatives, warned the think tank, IPPR, this week. Their analysis of the Committee on Climate Change’s sixth carbon budget said that current approaches to reaching net-zero could lead to even greater levels of traffic, congestion and pressure on local…
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Wales leads the way in changing how people move

The Welsh Government has taken the bold step of freezing all new road-building projects while it conducts a review, and considers shifting the money to more sustainable transport projects. The move is part of Wales’ effort to reduce carbon emissions. The review was announced in the Welsh Parliament yesterday afternoon by the Deputy Climate Change…
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Webinar: Active Travel in Wales – Making the Infrastructure Work

Join us on 7 July to learn about making Active Travel in Wales a success with impactful behaviour change programmes. Earlier this year, the Welsh Government announced £75 million of funding for active travel, as part of its Llwybr Newydd transport strategy. Many of the high-profile projects underway are around Infrastructure: safe routes, cycle highways,…
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Active travel is ‘low hanging fruit’ in the race for Net Zero

Earlier this week, the UK government announced £5 million extra funding for local authorities ‘to deliver innovative projects to improve air quality’. While many of the challenges that councils face are complex, the challenge of reducing road traffic emissions – still one of the greatest contributors to air pollution, particularly in cities – is relatively…
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BetterPoints aims to reach 10 million kg of CO2 savings by December 2021

Since 2010, we have helped our clients motivate people to mitigate 5 million kg of CO2 emissions. We aim to double that by December next year. It’s an ambitious target. But we face a climate emergency and, as many countries begin to emerge from lockdown, now is the perfect time to change the way we…
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Getting people out of cars is key to meeting net zero, says new report

A new report from the thinktank Green Alliance highlights the need for more to be done at a national level to curb demand for transport