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Changing health behaviours in London Borough of Hounslow

Changing health behaviours in London Borough of Hounslow

Case study

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Hounslow Integrated Care Partnership wanted to address the difficult challenge of personal responsibility in their drive to reduce health inequalities.

In 2021, they commissioned the One You Hounslow BetterPoints programme to help people take ownership of their health and wellbeing – particularly those at risk of developing avoidable long-term conditions such as Diabetes, Asthma, COPD, and mental ill-health.

Overall engagement was 97%, and retention was seven times higher than industry averages.

All target groups were reached, including smokers, Black and Minority Ethnic men, people with long-term conditions and those with mental health needs. Almost half of participants were from deprived areas.

On average, people who reported being inactive at baseline consistently met the NHS recommendation of 150 minutes physical activity a week.

The programme has been extended for at least two more years.

In 2021/22…

  • 97% engagement.
  • 45% from the most deprived areas.
  • 7x industry average for retention.
  • 70% of inactive people increased physical activity.
  • 222,000 activities recorded.
  • 25 million calories burned.
